Password123…Password321!...Password123!.....UGH!!!! I forgot it again! Where is that Post-It note that I wrote it on? Maybe I stored it on my phone. Great I’m locked out AGAIN! Now what?!?!
Has this ever happened to you? What would you do if you lost or forgot your password? Well, first of all don’t panic! We have ways to help you recover and reset your passwords and can even unlock almost any Windows machine if you get locked out.
The key to have a password that is not a dictionary word, a phrase, your children’s birthdates, anniversaries dates, or your address. If you get stuck creating random password the following website can elevate a lot of your stress.
But prevention is the best protection. Where do you store your passwords? In a drawer, under your keyboard, on random Post-It notes? Some people even tape their passwords directly to their computers. What would happen if your laptop was stolen? Think about all the crucial business information that is stored on your computer and now someone else has access to it because your password is taped to it!
There is a better way to keep track of your passwords. I use and recommend LastPass for all of your online needs. You can download it for free, create an account where you will create one unique password, the last one you will ever have to remember, and start saving all of your passwords in the LastPass Vault. When you visit a site online, you can click to save your password for that site, and LastPass will save it to your vault. Next time you visit that site, you don’t need a password. LastPass is trusted, reliable and secure.
Then shred those Post-It notes, clean out those drawers and rip those passwords off your computer! If you have any questions or need help setting it up, we are always here to help!
Still not sure what do? No worries, call the technicians at T.G. Consultants for a consultation. Contact us at 847-848-7726, or