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Computer & Phone Scams

on in Security
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There have been computer and phone scams since the dawn of technology.  Groups of hackers and data thieves are calling individuals and businesses stating they are from Microsoft, McAfee, Symantec, IRS, FBI and other well-known companies. They state that there is a virus or other problem on your system and they will ask you to go to a website so that they can help you correct the problem.  These type of scams are becoming more elaborate over the years. These BAD people prey on those of us who are protective enough about our technology to worry about our security being breached. Professional security companies like T.G. Consultants have been providing clients and blog followers with the information needed to combat these predators. But they are still getting through, planting viruses, malware and spyware. No user nor computer (PC or MAC based) or smartphone (Android or Apple) are immune.

Here is a question that was asked of me: “Why do tech support scams work”? I thought and thought and the only answer I could come up with is economics. These type of computer scams are in place to get you to purchase their correction products or to steal your information and data. Either way the hacker is working toward his monetary gain. If the scam is purely for you agree to buy the software, he made a sale. If the scam is meant to get your information, well he got that plus your credit card number (something he can use in the future).  At the end of the day it is all based on economics and finding easy targets. Spam hackers know technology move lighting fast and few people or companies can keep up with the changes in security. When it comes to software and patches we are generally one release behind. 

Ready for the next scam out there?  Computer end users are receiving a browser pop up from 877-613-6997, which is a scam pop up known as a computer parasite. The pop-up comes up to inform you that your computer is under attack and your personal information may be used for illegal use. The pop-up may install other extensions or add-ons into your browsers automatically after you trust the alert and click one of the links they offer. And then the unwanted extensions or add-ons may result in page redirection, replacement of homepage, default search engine, and even blue screen. 

Once the hackers have access to your computer they will start to capture sensitive data, steal your banking user names and passwords, set up software to encrypt your files, and request your credit card information (so they can fix the problems). From my experience Microsoft, Apple or Google do not call you to fix computer problems. The FBI does not give you a heads up when they are on their way. (You will know the FBI is looking for when they not so gently knock on your door). Remember these pop ups and phone calls are meant to worry you. They are meant to get you on the phone and they want your information. 

What do you do when this happens (and chances are this will happen) to you? If you receive a call hang up and never give them control of your computer or device. If you get a scam pop up within any browser, don’t panic, STOP! Most likely you will not be able to close down the browser window. Once again don’t panic! Just power down your computer and pull the power plug. Power your computer or device back on and run your antivirus. Respectable technology companies, like T.G. Consultants, we will be up front with our costs and our solutions. T.G. Consultants works with our clients via remote control at times. When we do, we will ask the end user to install and allow remote access. What is the difference between T.G. Consultants and the spam hacker? Trust! 

At T.G. Consultants, unless you are a contracted business client we cannot and will not call you to tell you the end user that your computer has an issues. We believe everyone should enjoy their technology without stress and worry or screaming. So here comes our sales pitch. If you need antivirus or malware software or backup solutions for your data, please give us a call at 847-848-7726. We have a solution for you.

If you are still unsure what is happening with your computer, give T.G. Consultants a call at 847-848-7726. We have professional tools that we can run against your computer to ensure that you do not have spyware, malware or ticking bomb viruses. 



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