Working with minimal risk with technology while being mobile
Very few us, in order to be successful in business, can be tied down. We have to be on the move, going to a potential client, ready to give them the service that they need. And in today's world it is easier than ever to have t digitally available, with smart phones, tablets and ultra light laptops.
But is all this safe? We hear more and more about data breaches at large corporations and other security issues that are plaguing the business climate. Hopefully today, by taking a few steps, we can help you be safe while also being mobile.
Use a firewall
A firewall prevents hackers and malware from accessing your computer via the Internet. Ensure that all company devices have firewall software installed and running, along you're your trusted antivirus programs. This is a solid first defense against suspicious traffic.
Bring your own WiFi
Working on the go can sometimes make you feel tethered to public WiFi. But free access points can be slow, unreliable, and worst of all, unsecured. Thankfully, your major wireless locators offer portable hotspots that you can use to access the internet using your mobile data plan. Phones can also be used via tethering, but this becomes more complicated and often drains your phone battery faster than a dedicated hotspot.
Beware of an 'imposter'
An imposter is a rogue WiFi network that appears to be legitimate, but has actually been set up by hackers for the purpose of stealing private information.
This is why when in doubt, avoid doing sensitive business on public WiFi hotspots. These are some of the prime locations where hackers hang out to steal our information.
Use a VPN
If you must use public WiFi to get work done on the go (airport, coffee shop, etc.), consider setting up a VPN, or virtual private network, for your business. This allows employees to access private data securely over a public network.
What happens if I lose it?
It can happen to the best of us—your shiny new phone or tablet, left in an airplane seat pocket or the back of a cab. Consider installing a device tracking app, just in case. And of course password protect your device.
We at T.G. Consultants recommend keeping your valuable data backed up in the cloud. Besides making your device more secure, it can also add another layer of mobility. By having your data in the cloud, it saves space on a laptop or tablet, when you know you have secure access to it where you will be.