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Posted on in Security
Passwords! Passwords! Passwords!!!!!

 Password123…Password321!...Password123!.....UGH!!!!  I forgot it again!  Where is that Post-It note that I wrote it on?  Maybe I stored it on my phone.  Great I’m locked out AGAIN!  Now what?!?!

Has this ever happened to you?  What would you do if you lost or forgot your password?  Well, first of all don’t panic!  We have ways to help you recover and reset your passwords and can even unlock almost any Windows machine if you get locked out.

The key to have a password that is not a dictionary word, a phrase, your children’s birthdates, anniversaries dates, or your address. If you get stuck creating random password the following website can elevate a lot of your stress. https://lastpass.com/generatepassword.php

Posted on in Security
The Death of Internet Explorer--Well Sort Of…

It is in the news, television, radio and newspaper are reporting that Microsoft Internet Explorer is DEAD! At T.G. Consultants we have been receiving quite a few calls about these news report. Here is what is being reported; yesterday, March 17, 2015 The Verge (online magazine) reported that Microsoft’s marketing head Chris Capossela stated at an internal Microsoft event “We’re now researching what the new brand, or the new name, for our browser should be in Windows 10.”


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